It has been a while…
But there has been a great deal going on in various areas – both in terms of UK and local politics and, in a lower key, discussion as to where various organisations like the European Movement, and more particularly groups such as SSTIE, which are associated with it, should focus in the future. Discussions on how and perhaps even if we should be campaigning, and indeed what exactly should the aims of those campaigns be.
Should groups be banging the Rejoin Drum as loudly and as frequently as possible? Should the target be softer and wider, perhaps with a longer time scale than many of us (particularly the older ones) would like.
This will all take time. SSTIE was brought into being nine months after the referendum and we are still in the early months of Brexit actually have been “done” – yes, we all know that this is in name only and that it is far from complete; perhaps it never will be; maybe there is no such thing.
So, there are clearly fights still to be fought and battles still to be won. The “what” and the “how” of these are being talked about in many places. And now that we can start to move away from Zoom we can hope that these debates will speed up an come to some decisions.
In SSTIE we are hoping in the next few weeks or so, we can get together and find out what our members and supporters really want the group to do.
Here are three things that we can all do now.
FROM BREXIT TO THE FUTURE / East Kent and the European Union
An informal meeting with short talks and discussion on ways of enhancing and augmenting the ties between East Kent and the European Union in the aftermath of BREXIT.
This is a free event. You can register for it here –
From Brexit to the Future – EKEM
Holding the Government to Account
(any Government)
We need our Government and its ministers to act honestly, with integrity and within both the law and the Ministerial Code at all times.
The instances where this is not happening are legion – have a look for example Yorkshire Bylines has its Compendium-of-cabinet-codebreakers . Call it Chumocracy or Palitics or whatever you it is bad for Britain and bad for all of us.
The Good Law Project is pursuing the Government on may fronts on a whole range of Crimes and Misdemeanours – and they are winning on many of them. Winning to the point where it appears that the Government is using its financial power to try and obstruct them.
Have a look at the issues that they are pursuing at goodlawproject – issues
and if you can, you may like to support them with a DONATION
The Delta variant
and finally see the history of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in the UK as put together by Led By Donkeys
Led by Donkeys – Delta Farce
with best wishes to all
the Team at SSTIE