MARCH for CHANGE – Saturday 20 July 2019

Saturday’s March for Change was fantastic.

It was different in style from the previous marches. The turnout was good, given that we were in the holiday season and in a curious sort of Brexit lull, but even so people of all ages had come from all over the UK.

The mood of the March was great – it was very sunny and hot – and everyone was friendly. 

There were lots of very inventive costumes and a huge range of messages on placards – some serious, some funny, some rude, some very rude.

The messages were fairly diverse:

  • No to Johnson;
  • Yes to another referendum;
  • Yes to Remain and so on

But the real point was that everybody wanted Brexit stopped and the UK to stay in the EU.

There do not seem to be any estimates of the size of the crowd but we can be sure it was over twice the size of the Tory party electorate that is choosing the new PM. 

We now all need to get back to our local campaigning – we will be at Botany in Tonbridge on Saturday 27 July. 

There was one person standing aside from the March as we went into Piccadilly holding a placard stating that Johnson and Farage had been sent by God to save us from the EU – and that this was predicted in the Bible. I did not note where in the Bible this was.