For the first time we had two posters in operation on our Brexitometer : a moodometer and a survey of opinion on What Price Brexit? See Photos below.
We also had a stall with sign up sheets and lots of information/leaflets for shoppers. The footfall in Swanley was relatively light but there were many interesting discussions around the stall and both boards.
On the Moodometer the majority feelings were identified as “BORED” and “WORRIED” and these responses were given by both Leavers and Remainers.
A large number of respondents thought that our What Price Brexit? Board was too leading in the questions which were asked and plenty of people in Swanley think that Project Fear over states the dangers; they think that no matter what, they would prefer to leave. Others are just fed up with the whole thing and want it to be ‘over’.
On the other hand extended discussions were held with people who identified themselves as being leavers but they were prepared to listen to our case; one can ask for no more than the opportunity to put our pro EU message. Further encouragement for our activities came from the number of people who were pleased to see us in Swanley and those who were happy to sign up with us.