70% of Tonbridge shoppers want a Final Say

On Saturday morning we asked shoppers in Tonbridge whether they wanted a Final Say on Brexit and 435 people put a sticker on the board:

  • 291 want a Final Say vote
  • 121 do not want a Final Say vote
  • 23 people did not know

Of the people who knew what they wanted, over 70% wanted a Final Say vote.

At least three former local councillors had their say – one Tory, one Labour and one LibDem – and they all wanted a Final Say. Tom Tugendhat, the Tonbridge and Malling MP was out with a photographer and told one of our group that he would return and have his photo taken with us – sadly he had not done so when we packed up at one o’clock.

Many said they were fed up by the whole rigmarole, but also a number who wanted a proper vote, feeling that the first was based entirely on lies

The main argument that we heard against a Final Say was that we have already voted and it would be undemocratic to have another vote.

There is a very negative view, by both those saying Yes and those saying NO, of the Government, the Labour leadership, and of politicians generally for the way in which this is all being dealt with.

In Swanley 60% say YES they would like a final say.

120 Swanley people took part in the SSTIE Brexitometer survey at Swanley  Market on the 6th June.

The main conclusions are :

  1. The majority* (67%) think that Brexit will be better for them than staying in the UK on a range of issues : See Brexitometer photo
  2. 60% would like a final say.

The first conclusion is in line with the fact that 70% voted Leave in the referendum in Swanley but the second is at variance with this and makes one wonder whether some doubt is entering into the heads of some leave voters.

* excluding “No Idea” response