Frequently asked Questions

In November 2018, SSTIE produced a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to assist campaigners wishing to explain or refute common questions and misunderstandings about Brexit and the EU.

Download FAQ and Answers here

This document will be updated as required.

Sevenoaks Brexitometer – 27 October 2018

The Brexitometer was out on Sevenoaks High Street on Saturday to ask the opinion of Sevenoaks shoppers. Stormy weather perhaps mirroring UK-EU negotiations. The results provided some pretty stark numbers:

  • Less than 5% of respondents thought Brexit promises would be delivered.
  • Less than 6% of respondents thought Brexit was going well
  • Only 16% of respondents would be happy with No Deal Brexit
  • Over 70% of respondents were in favour of a People’s Vote on the final deal.

Full details can be downloaded here:  180927 Sevenoaks PR3.



Growing momentum for a People’s Vote in Sevenoaks

On Saturday 8th September 2018 SSTIE joined forces with the local Liberal
Democrats group with a focus on collecting signatures for a People’s Vote.
Well over a 100 signatures were obtained in 2 hours and a ballot box on the Final Say gave the following result :

  • 11 people favoured “Hard Brexit / No Deal”
  • 1 person favoured the “Chequers Plan”
  • 82 people favoured “Stay and reform Europe”
  • 2 people opted for “Don’t know / No vote”

Continue reading “Growing momentum for a People’s Vote in Sevenoaks”

Did you know that the EU has provided over £40 million to farmers in the TN postcode-area in 2017? Or £9 million towards research projects? Or almost £4 million to support jobs and growth? Or £35,000 towards a research project into explosive detection systems in Chislehurst? Or £30,000 to develop heat recovery systems in Westerham?

Find out about local EU spending across West Kent (and the whole country) at


Lord Adonis speaking on “These Critical Weeks” – 6 October 2018.


Lord Adonis will be speaking in Sevenoaks on Saturday 6 October about the state of Brexit in These Critical Weeks at the invitation of SSTIE. 

Click here to buy tickets

Continue reading “Lord Adonis speaking on “These Critical Weeks” – 6 October 2018.”

Sevenoaks people very receptive to SSTIE’s NHS campaign

Today there were 21 people on the streets of Sevenoaks campaigning on the NHS and standing together with the 1DWU (1 Day Without Us ) national campaign in support of migrants.

SSTIE Members & supporters gathering signatures to support the NHS in Sevenoaks

Hundreds of EM Euratom petition leaflets were distributed along with many of SSTIE’s new leaflet inviting people to join us along with a couple of hundred 1DWU leaflets.

57 signatures were gathered in 2 hours for the Euratom petition demanding that the UK stay in Euratom.

SSTIE on the streets of Sevenoaks


Cancer Isotope Supply Concerns – An Issue For Swanley Shoppers

On 27 th January 2018, 16 members of SSTIE (affiliated to the European Movement) campaigned in Swanley speaking to hundreds of Swanley shoppers on the issue of EURATOM, which is the EU agency that oversees, among other things, the supply of isotopes to the NHS for cancer diagnoses.

There were a number of signatories supporting the European Movement petition to the government that the UK should continue to be a member of Euratom after Brexit as we do not have a reactor capable of producing these isotopes.

600 leaflets on the Euratom petition and hundreds of SSTIE’s own leaflet were accepted by Swanley shoppers.

On the general issue of the EU most people in Swanley seemed to take the view that things will work out in the end. They were quite philosophic about it and were heard to say we managed fine before and we’ll manage fine once we are out. At the same time a number were prepared to read and consider our views.

It was interesting to see the extent of support for Remain among the local Labour party people who were also out campaigning on the NHS and with whom a number of us had very positive contacts.
All in all it was a positive campaign and this encourages to return to Swanley which we will do later this spring.