SSTIE Member’s address on Brexit to the Liberal Democrats Spring Conference

I fully support this motion, but it could go a lot further.

Although we are the only party to have taken an unequivocal Remain position, we have continuously failed to prevent the debate, in both parliament and the media, from focusing almost entirely on the virtues of a hard versus a soft Brexit.  It is essential the debate is realigned – to be between Remain, on the one hand, and any form of Brexit, on the other.

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Report on the Lib-Dem Autum Conference 2017

Some key messages emerging from debates and conversations on Brexit

Conference passed the motion Opposing Brexit as amended by Amendment 1.  This calls for an Exit from Brexit referendum “once the outcome of the UK-EU negotiations is known, for the public to choose between “the deal” or Britain remaining a full member of the EU.”  It also commits the Lib Dems to continue to campaign for Britain to remain a full and active member of the EU. Continue reading “Report on the Lib-Dem Autum Conference 2017”